ラジオ英会話 2018/4/6

ラジオ英会話 2018/4/6 #ラジオ英会話 L5 今週のREVIEW
6 金 Lesson5 今週のREVIEW
Look at those kids dancing over there. Can you see them?
I can’t see them from here.
Let’s go a a little closer.
Oh, I can see them now. They are junior high school students.
They’re really good. I love hip hop dancing. Let’s go and watch them for a while.
I hope they don’t mind.
They’re practicing. I’m sure they don’t mind.

Look at those kids dancing over there. Can you see them?
look 目を向ける
see 目的に視覚が及んでいる

Hi, I’m Jake. How are you doing?
Fine, thanks. I’m Amy.
Where are you from, Amy?
I’m from Sa Francisco. I arrived in Houston last night. I have a basketball match at 3.
Good luck! I have a match today, too.
Oh, are you hungry? Have you had lunch yet?
No, I haven’t.
How about having lunch with me and my teammates?
Oh, great. I’d love to.

I arrived in Houston last night.
arrive 単なる動作
reach 手を伸ばして何かをつかむ

How was the chicken burrito, Susie?
It was delicious and I love this Mexican atmosphere. How did you find this place?
My dad runs this restaurant.
Oh, really? Is he here now?
No, he isn’t. He is on a business trip in Dallas.
Oh, I see. Well, please say hello to him and tell him that I really enjoyed the food.
Thank you very much. I will.

My dad runs this restaurant.
文型が決めるのではなく、runs this restaurantのrunが意味を決める
Excuse me. Can you help me? I’m looking for a guidebook on Spain.
Of course. Let me take you to the travel section.
Thank you.
Oh, there are so many. Which book do you recommend?
This one is the most popular. Here, you can look through it.
Thanks a lot.

I’m looking for a guidebook on Spain.

You can look through it.
through トンネル状のものを通して、端から端までパラパラと目を通す
Yeah, and it’s important not to worry about making mistakes.
Because that’s why you learned from.

+ Practical challenge
drink coffee
a cafe
look at –
on (her) phone

A girl is drinking coffee in a cafe.
She is looking at a photo of a man on her phone.
She is remembering the day she first met him.

-More advanced answer
OK, let me think, OK. How about an –

A young woman is enjoying a relaxing cup of coffee in a cafe.
She is looking at a photo of the cool guy she met the previous evening.
She is wondering if he’ll call her.

Really, she is waiting for his call.
Of course. She’s very attractive young woman. And, you know, she knows the guy was interested in her, so it’s pretty natural to think the guy will probably give her a call, right?
Rosa, do you have any comments on that?

Well, I think Chris has a very rich imagination.
Oh, yeah. Too rich.
It’s reality.

She is remembering the day (when) she first met him.

She is looking at a photo of the cool guy (whom, that)she met the previous evening.

Wow! We packed so much into one, didn’t we, Rosa?
We did. And hopefully you, guys enjoyed it.
‘Cause (Because) we did.
Yeah, it meant to be fun.