入門ビジネス英語 2018/4/9

入門ビジネス英語 2018/4/9 #入門ビジネス英語 L3 相手との距離を縮めていく

9 月 Lesson3 相手との距離を縮めていく

Isn’t it great that drinks and snacks are free in the cafeteria?
Yes, I’m always tempted to come here. So you’re from California. And you’ve been with us for 5 years?
Right, but I came to Japan eight years ago to do a master’s in computer science at a university in Sapporo. Sapporo is your hometown, isn’t it?
Yes. What a small world! How did you like it there?
It was great. Kind people, good food, great outdoor life.
What more could I ask for?
I’m glad you enjoyed it.

snack お菓子
cafeteria カフェテリア
be tempted to - 〜したくなる、〜する誘惑に駆られる
temptation 名詞、誘惑
do a master’s  修士号で勉強する
computer science コンピューターサイエンス
small world 狭い世界
ask for - 〜を求める

カフェテリアで飲み物と軽食が無料というのはすごいですよね 。
そうですね 。いつもここに来たくなってしまいます 。それはそうと 、あなたはカリフォルニア出身で 、この会社で 5年働いているんですよね 。
ええ 、でも来日したのは 8年前です 。札幌の大学でコンピュ ータ ーサイエンスの修士号を取るために 。札幌は萌の出身地ですよね 。萌そうです 、世の中狭いですね !札幌はどうでしたか 。
すばらしかったです 。親切な人たち 、おいしい食事 、すばらしいアウトドアライフ 。これ以上 、何を求めましょうか 。萌気に入ってくれてうれしいです 。

What more could I ask for?
Well, I use this phrase when I have the perfect situation. For example, if I book a nice hotel and the location is good, the room is perfect, service is great. Then I use this phrase.

+Business phrase of the day
What a small world!

What a wonderful idea!

+Similar expressions
The world is not as big as it seems.

+Upgrade your communication skills
be tempted to…
I’m tempted to buy this beautiful kimono.

Having finished my Masters, I’m doing a PhD in economics now.
PhD 博士号 do a PhD 博士課程にいる
Philosophy 哲学 doctor

+Tips for business communication
Oh, you work at Shibuya.Com? I know Mr. Tanaka in the generation affairs department.
Well, I think it depends. If it’s a small company, I might ask. But in a large company, I most likely wouldn’t.
You lived in Shikoku? May I ask whereabout?


遠山顕の英会話楽習 2018/4/3

遠山顕の英会話楽習 2018/4/3 #遠山顕の英会話楽習 in another situation
3 火 Dialog2 Heading Out
This time, the guide is a little too worried about the hiker.

Hmm, I can’t start the day without coffee.
I’m the same way. But don't you need to eat something.
I’m good. I’m not a breakfast person.
It’s going to be a pretty strenuous hike. You have to put something in your stomach here. Have a piece of toast and a slice of bacon.
Well I,
No eat, no goal.
Well, in that case.
Okay, everybody! It’s getting late.
Let’s get the ball rolling.
Here we go!

Sounds so familiar
Here’s a very important question. You know, how do you start your day?
We can’t start without Eikaiwa Gakushuu.
Thanks for the promotion.


入門ビジネス英語 2018/4/3


入門ビジネス英語 2018/4/3 L2 職場についての印象を伝える
3 火 Lesson2 職場についての印象を伝える

So, Moe, come this way. This is your workspace for today.
Thank you, James. Did you say “for today?” Is it temporary?
Sort of. We started hot-desking last month. Pick up your laptop from the shelf every morning and sit wherever you like.
I can talk to different people every day, then. Very impressive.
That’s exactily the point. On top of that, the hight of the desk is adjustable from sitting to standing.
That’s very healthy.
I like this kind of staff-friendly environment.

workspace 仕事をする場所
temporary 一時的な、暫定的な
Sort of, まあ、そうですね。
hot-desking  机・PCなどの共用システム
Well, “hot desking” is a practice where employees don’t have assigned seats but can choose their desk freely.
laptop ノートパソコン
shelf 棚
impressive 印象的
That’s exactly the point. まさに、そこがミソなんです
on top of that その上、それに加えて
height 高さ
adjustable 調整できる
this kind of  この種の
staff-friendly 社員に優しい
environment 環境


+ Business phrase of the day
I like this kind of staff-friendly environment.

I like the menu variety in our staff canteen.


+ Similar expressions
I’m impressed by this kind of staff-driven environment.




+Upgrade your communication skills
I hope it’s just a temporary issue.



The camera on this smartphone is user-friendly.



-Tips for business communication
It’s perfect weather for a seminar, isn’t it?

I like this kind of interior.
It’s a nice mixture of traditional and modern design.


ラジオ英会話 2018/4/6

ラジオ英会話 2018/4/6 #ラジオ英会話 L5 今週のREVIEW
6 金 Lesson5 今週のREVIEW
Look at those kids dancing over there. Can you see them?
I can’t see them from here.
Let’s go a a little closer.
Oh, I can see them now. They are junior high school students.
They’re really good. I love hip hop dancing. Let’s go and watch them for a while.
I hope they don’t mind.
They’re practicing. I’m sure they don’t mind.

Look at those kids dancing over there. Can you see them?
look 目を向ける
see 目的に視覚が及んでいる

Hi, I’m Jake. How are you doing?
Fine, thanks. I’m Amy.
Where are you from, Amy?
I’m from Sa Francisco. I arrived in Houston last night. I have a basketball match at 3.
Good luck! I have a match today, too.
Oh, are you hungry? Have you had lunch yet?
No, I haven’t.
How about having lunch with me and my teammates?
Oh, great. I’d love to.

I arrived in Houston last night.
arrive 単なる動作
reach 手を伸ばして何かをつかむ

How was the chicken burrito, Susie?
It was delicious and I love this Mexican atmosphere. How did you find this place?
My dad runs this restaurant.
Oh, really? Is he here now?
No, he isn’t. He is on a business trip in Dallas.
Oh, I see. Well, please say hello to him and tell him that I really enjoyed the food.
Thank you very much. I will.

My dad runs this restaurant.
文型が決めるのではなく、runs this restaurantのrunが意味を決める
Excuse me. Can you help me? I’m looking for a guidebook on Spain.
Of course. Let me take you to the travel section.
Thank you.
Oh, there are so many. Which book do you recommend?
This one is the most popular. Here, you can look through it.
Thanks a lot.

I’m looking for a guidebook on Spain.

You can look through it.
through トンネル状のものを通して、端から端までパラパラと目を通す
Yeah, and it’s important not to worry about making mistakes.
Because that’s why you learned from.

+ Practical challenge
drink coffee
a cafe
look at –
on (her) phone

A girl is drinking coffee in a cafe.
She is looking at a photo of a man on her phone.
She is remembering the day she first met him.

-More advanced answer
OK, let me think, OK. How about an –

A young woman is enjoying a relaxing cup of coffee in a cafe.
She is looking at a photo of the cool guy she met the previous evening.
She is wondering if he’ll call her.

Really, she is waiting for his call.
Of course. She’s very attractive young woman. And, you know, she knows the guy was interested in her, so it’s pretty natural to think the guy will probably give her a call, right?
Rosa, do you have any comments on that?

Well, I think Chris has a very rich imagination.
Oh, yeah. Too rich.
It’s reality.

She is remembering the day (when) she first met him.

She is looking at a photo of the cool guy (whom, that)she met the previous evening.

Wow! We packed so much into one, didn’t we, Rosa?
We did. And hopefully you, guys enjoyed it.
‘Cause (Because) we did.
Yeah, it meant to be fun.



ラジオ英会話 2018/4/5 #ラジオ英会話 L4 自動型
5 木 Lesson4 自動型
Customer: 客:
Shop Clerk: 店員:

Excuse me. Can you help me? I’m looking for a guidebook on Spain.
Of course. Let me take you to the travel section.
Thank you.
Oh, there are so many. Which book do you recommend?
This one is the most popular. Here, you can look through it.
Thanks a lot.

look for - 〜を探す
on Spain スペインについて
of course もちろん
Let me - 私に〜させて下さい
take 人 to - 人を〜へ連れて行く
section 区域
travel section 旅行のコーナー
recommend 推薦する
look through - 〜に目を通す


I’m looking for a guidebook on Spain.
look + forで「何かを求めて目をやる = 探す」となるというわけです。
What does look for mean?
Look for simply means search. Like, you know, you forgot where you put your keys, so you go looking for them.

You can look through it. 
What does look through mean?
Look through means to take a look inside.



1). このドレスを見て。私にピッタリでしょ?
Look at this dress. It’s perfect for me, right?

atは「点」を表す前置詞。look atは「~のところを見る」ですね。


Chris, what kind of impression do you get, when you hear “, right?” from your Japanese student.
Yeah, I would be really impressed, I think, I would guess that they had spent some time living in abroad.
It’s so cool and natural English.



2). ガールフレンドに贈るプレゼントを探しているんだ。
 I’m looking for a present for my girlfriend.
英語文の流れに注意。英語では大切なことは最初、説明はそのあと。まずa presentと言い切り、そのあと誰に向けてのプレゼントなのかをfor my girlfriendで説明します。


3). 休暇中、2匹の猫を世話してくれませんか?
 Can you look after my two cats while I’m on vacation?
afterは「後ろ(をついていく)」という位置関係を表す前置詞。そこからlook afterで「世話をする」。

Rosa, the police are after you. What does it mean?
That means I’m in a big trouble.
But joking aside, it means that the police are following me.


ラジオ英会話 2018/4/4

ラジオ英会話 2018/4/4 #ラジオ英会話 L3 型は文の意味を支配する
4 水 L3 型は文の意味を支配する

How was the chicken burrito, Susie?
It was delicious and I love this Mexican atmosphere. How did you find this place?
My dad runs this restaurant.
Oh, really? Is he here now?
No, he isn’t. He is on a business trip in Dallas.
Oh, I see. Well, please say hello to him and tell him that I really enjoyed the food.
Thank you very much. I will.

burrito ブリトー
delicious とても美味しい
Mexican  メキシコ風の
atmosphere 雰囲気
run を経営する
business trip 出張
on a business trip 出張で
say hello to - 〜によろしくと伝える。
tell 人 that -  〜を人に伝える


My dad runs this restaurant.
他動型は「働きかけが対象に及ぶ」ことを意味する型。 目的語へ直接、働きます
走らせる。 run させる
run the engine 車の整備士さんがチェックのために動かす
run the program プログラムを走らせる
run this country この国を運営する
覚えるのは、run させる気持ち

1). He runs fast.
[自動型] 彼は走るのが速い。 単なる動作
2). My dad runs this restaurant.
[他動型] 僕の父がこのレストランを経営しているんだ。

文の意味は文型が決定する。 ???
先に文型があるのですか? 文の意味は単語が決めるのでは

I sat the student down and had a good talk with her。

Chris can’t stand wasabi. クリスはわさびが食べられない。  支えて立っている
Chris can’t eat wasabi.
Chris hates wasabi. or
Chris dislikes wasabi

入門ビジネス英語 2018/4/2


入門ビジネス英語 2018/4/2 #入門ビジネス英語 L1 相手を動かすビジネス英語

Good morning, everyone. I hope you had a pleasant weekend. We have a new team member today, Moe Inoue from the public relations department. Would you please say a few words of introduction, Moe.
Thank you, James. Hello, everyone. I’m Moe. It’s been 3 years since I joined Shibuya.com.
I was born and raised in Sapporo. I enjoyed reading, classical music and travel. I’m looking forward to working with you.
Welcome aboard, Moe. I’m sure your experience in publicity will be a great asset for our team.

pleasant 気持ちの良い、快適な
public relations 広報
say a few words ひと言のべる
Hello, everyone. 大勢を前にしてる。 Nice to meet you.これは一対一ならいいのですけど
Well, “join” means to become part of a team or a group.
be raised in で育つ
aboard 組織に加わって。
“All aboard!” “Wait a second, we are coming.” : 「ご乗車の方はお急ぎください!」「待ってください。すぐ行きますから」、電車や船などが出発する直前
publicity 広報
asset 財産、戦力、有用な[役に立つ]人[もの]、資源、利点

-Business phrase of the day
I’m looking forward to working with you.
楽しみにしています。 日本語の「よろしくおねがいします」
look forward to 名詞、動名詞

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
hear from 連絡をいただく

-Similar expressions
I’m excited to be a part of this great team.

-Upgrade your communication skills
pleasant 気持ちのいい、快適な
The climate in Sun Francisco is very pleasant.

asset 財産、戦力
Rajang quickly became a valuable asset to the company.

+Tips for business communication
My favorite pastime is chatting with my friends at a nice café.
pastime 楽しんだり、興味をもってするもの、趣味
chat おしゃべりする

I look forward to networking with people from different industries.